Usually, a deep tissue massage is recommended where a person is looking to treat a specific problem area. It is especially beneficial as a treatment for chronic aches and pains including stiff neck and upper back, low back pain, leg muscle tightness, and sore shoulders.
It is important to acknowledge that a deep tissue massage is not a quick fix. It is often thought that the more pressure or pain experienced in the treatment the better one will feel as a result and the knots and tension will disappear immediately. Knots and tension in our body’s can have built up over a lifetime of general use and with injury. Undoing this takes time and should be combined with exercise techniques that promote good posture, stretching and relaxation. It is not unusual to experience some stiffness or tenderness after a deep tissue massage, but this shouldn’t last more than a day or two. Nicola will provide your with in depth aftercare to help minimise this.
The benefits of deep tissue massage are not just muscle and pain-related, a deep tissue massage treatment can lower blood pressure, heart rate and stress hormone levels as well. Massage is good for the mind as well as the body boosting mood and helping you relax.
A full and comprehensive consultation will be completed prior to course of treatments and your session can be adapted throughout to suit your needs and intentions.